“Revive Mar Mikhael”, a non-profit initiative, launched an online art auction entitled “Art Li Beirut” with 51 Lebanese and international artists, including Raouf Rifai (Lebanese), Anas Homsi (Syrian), Ghazi Baker (Lebanese), Helen Zughaib (American-Lebanese), Sandra Detourbet (French), Claire Wiltsher (British) and Ahmed Farid (Egyptian). Artists have presented 70 artworks for Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, considered a symbol for culture, strength and coexistence.
The auction is taking place from 27th of October to 5th of November, 2020. “Revive Mar Mikhael” is a non-profit initiative started by a group of Lebanese entrepreneurs and expats after the 4th of August tragedy in Beirut. It focuses on the most unprivileged micro-businesses and families affected by the explosion with a mission to revive souls and spread hope, along with rebuilding walls. Immediate action and tangible results, away from promises and bureaucracy are the key motto of this initiative.
The online auction will take place on: https://artscoops.com/auctions/art-li-beirut

Art Li Beirut Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/artlibeirut/
Revive Mar Mikhael Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/revivemarmikhael/

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