عبر حسابه الرسمي على موقع  انستغرام وجه “خالد علامة” نجل السوبر ستار “راغب علامة”رسالة إختصر فيها كل معاني الحب، التقدير والإحترام، معتبرًا إياه أب مثالي

 ونشر خالد صورة جمعتهما معا مرفقة برسالة وصفه خلال بـ “الوالد والصديق” وجاء في الرسال

“إلى والدي وأفضل صديق.. تعجز الكلمات عن وصف مدى حبي واحترامي لك. لقد اعطيتنا أكثر مما نحتاجه ونتمناه بكثير.. لطالما كنت المؤسس لهذه العائلة الكبيرة والتي بدونك ما كنّا أن نكون. لأنك والدي لدينا كل الأشياء الجميلة التي يرغب أي شخص.. لقد علّمتنا وأعطيتنا الإحترام والثقة بالنفس “.. “لقد أنشأت ذكرياتنا الخاصة.. كل ما فعلته مطبوع في مخيلتنا وذاكرتنا.. شكرا لك كونك الأب المثالي.. أحبك يا ملكي وحماك الله لنا جميعنا.. أنت الأعظم.. عيد ميلاد سعيد

To my father and bestfriend… No words can describe how much i love and respect you. Dad you gave us everything we wished for and much more than what we wished for… You are and always have been the founder of this big family and without you, none of us would be here today. Because of you dad, we have all the beautiful things anyone would wish for. You educated us, gave us self confidence, self respect and as I always say an unforgettable childhood and that is the most important thing.❤️👶🏻 You created memories, each and every single thing you have done is a memory, and for a thing to be called a memory it should be special so as a conclusion every single thing you have done is special in its own way. Thank you for being the perfect father and the perfect Dad because anyone could be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad. I love you my King❤️👑 God bless you to all of us. You are the greatest, Happiest Birthday


To my father and bestfriend… No words can describe how much i love and respect you. Dad you gave us everything we wished for and much more than what we wished for… You are and always have been the founder of this big family and without you, none of us would be here today. Because of you dad, we have all the beautiful things anyone would wish for. You educated us, gave us self confidence, self respect and as I always say an unforgettable childhood and that is the most important thing.❤️👶🏻 You created memories, each and every single thing you have done is a memory, and for a thing to be called a memory it should be special so as a conclusion every single thing you have done is special in its own way. Thank you for being the perfect father and the perfect Dad because anyone could be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad. I love you my King❤️👑 God bless you to all of us. You are the greatest, Happiest Birthday❤️🎉 #June7

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